About Us

Our Mission

To provide the best design & construction for our clients while maintaining the highest customer service.

Landscapes that are as unique as you.

Charter Landscapes is a company whose people live and breathe landscaping. We stay up late thinking about it. And it shows in our work. From the very start, our promise is that we will come up with an inspiring plan for your landscape. When we’re done, you’ll be amazed. Along the way, we demonstrate landscape craftsmanship at its finest.


years collective experience


completed jobs in Calgary and area.


5000+ Ton of rock placed.

Our Process


Once you’ve contacted us, Patrick will schedule an initial consultation with you. During this meeting, we’ll discuss what you have in mind, take a look at the property, examine some ideas and start to draw up some rough plans. Generally, this first meeting takes about an hour, and is pretty exciting for everyone involved. It’s fun to start looking seriously at a landscape project.

Establish Fit

Following the initial consultation, we establish fit. If agreed, we’ll get back to you with a design and an estimate for the installation. Often, we’ll produce 2-3 versions of the design/estimate, offering various options. The drawing itself could be a fairly simple sketch or could be a full-color rendering with intricate detail.

Finalize Contract

At this point, if you’re happy with the direction things are headed, we’ll iron out the details of the design and bid, draw up and sign a contract. We’re confident that by now, you’ll be dying for the work to start.

Construction starts

We’ll begin construction on your project, and the fun really begins. It’s entertaining to watch the progression of the job, particularly on days that a load of boulders or trees shows up! The actual construction process varies depending on the particular project. Typically, though, we start with excavation and grading, move to the hardscaping and underground work, followed by planting and mulching, finish grading and culminate with laying sod.

Close out

Our rock-solid promise to you is that throughout the entire process, we will be accessible to you, attentive to your questions, honest and forthright. As changes and problems arise, we will address them immediately. At the end of the construction, Patrick will do a final walk-through with you, and your final payment is due only when you are totally happy with the project.

Enjoy a space that reflects YOU.

Contact us today to shape
a stunning landscape

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